Posted by: tituteo | March 18, 2008


At 1 year and 1 week old, Seth has reached a significant milestone that we are really proud of. Yes! He has been weaned off milk bottles and is now taking his 2 milk feeds from a training cup and water from a straw bottle!

This road to bottle-less living is not without tears and sweat. His tears, my sweat.

I embarked on giving him milk from the cup when he was 10 months old. After the initial thrill of slurping his milk wore off, the boy began his war with the cup. He would cry at the sight of it and fought me off with all his might when I attempted to bring the cup near. I gave up after a week and proceeded to let him forget the episode.

A month later, when I started giving him breakfast, I decided to reintroduce the training cup. Instead of his morning bottle feed, I gave him his milk in his cup together with bread. Accepting it as a proper meal eaten on his high chair, he had no objection to the cup of milk and was soon happily drinking. By then, he was down to 1 final night feed from the bottle.

And as of this evening, he has officially drank his bedtime milk from the cup and thus ended his days of bottle feeding!

I was keen to rid his dependency on the teat as early as possible both for aesthetics reasons, as well as for speed. Drinking time is drastically reduced with the cup and I really do not envisage my kid holding on to a bottle and drinking from it at the age of 4! That aside, I figured I’m not all that cruel since I allow him to have his pacifier and he is still able to get his comfort and security from suckling. :p

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