Posted by: tituteo | August 3, 2007

I Am A Big Fat Bully

Feel like crap today. I hate it when I get accused of bullying. I can’t help it that I am well-built (read: FAT) and aggressive. I have been brought up to be independent and to do things with my own initiative. I am vocal and do not keep my thoughts to myself. I am strong and do not cry in public.

But that does not mean I will not cry at home. It does not mean I can handle everything by myself. I may not always be a Damsel-in-Distress, but I am most certainly not a Bully!

I’ve got this theory. There are always 2 types of people. The fat and the skinny. The loud and the quiet. The big bully and the poor victim. And it is not a coincidence that I always fall into the Big, Fat, Loud Bully category, often traumatising the Poor, Skinny, Quiet Victim. Thou I cannot comprehend how a traumatised, apparently quiet victim can so readily speak up and complain to a kaypoh audience.

People have this perception. That the quiet one is always the one being bullied and the one who speaks up is the one doing the bad deed. Oftentimes in a fight, even thou the unreasonable winner is the weaker looking one, the tough looking loser will still be deemed a bully. Sigh… as if being fat is not bad enough as it is! If given a choice, who wants to be fat?

Sigh… It sucks when your own mother doesn’t speak up for you.

My Only Source of Comfort…

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