Posted by: tituteo | May 16, 2007

Big Boy Seth

Last Saturday, Seth turned 2 months old. He has grown 5 cm in length (hmm.. I can’t say height since he isn’t standing up yet, can I?) and 2.3kg in weight! He is now officially over the 5kg mark at 5.035 kg! Hurray! and 53 cm! My BIG boy!

His accomplishments so far:-
– Not puking! That’s a huge accomplishment if you’ve seen how he used to puke from the mouth and nose! *cross my fingers and hug the wooden log* His tummy has more or less grown bigger and can take in the milk without regurgitating for the past week. My heart does a tiny flip and a skip everytime he burps nicely after a feed with no milk gushing out!
– Smiling! Yes. He’s been smiling alot and especially so after his 2 month benchmark! He smiles when he sleeps, smiles when he wakes, and even smiles in between his crying when he sees me looking at him.
– Lifting his head up! My boy has a strong neck (though the neck can’t really be seen… =/). He loves to be carried over the shoulder like a big boy, or if you carry him in front of your chest, he’ll place his hands on your chest so he can turn his head everywhere.
– Yik Kong Chang! That’s the game we play with him everyday. We’ll hold his arms while he lifts his head up like doing the sit-ups. Yup! You bet I’m super proud of that feat!
– Poo and Pee! I know I’m silly. But I’m proud that he pees and poos when I ask him to, before diaper changes. I’m trying to start him on the potty… It’s never too young to start you know?
– Turning on his back. Ok we may have cheated abit, but he sort of turned over by himself when we placed him on his tummy. It’s still an accomplishment nonetheless!
– Clicking his tongue. He loves it when I clicked my tongue and one day he just mimicked me! Sometimes, when he managed to produce a sound, he’ll laugh in surprise. Ha! I’m teaching him to stick out his tongue now…

My my… How my boy has grown… =D

From this! (Compare the size of his head with the Man’s finger!)

To this! (Pardon my goondoo fringe…)

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