Posted by: tituteo | May 9, 2007

He Completeth Me

The Man’s away on yet another business trip and I’m kind of dreading the night. Seth’s tummy wasn’t all that well yesterday night and I got really frustrated with his incessant crying. I didn’t know what to do. He just would not stop crying. And just as I thought I’ll go crazy, the Man woke up and picked up the wailing baby from where I ‘dumped’ him. He held Baby and coaxed him until all the gas came burping out and Seth fell immediately asleep again. What would I have done without him? Ah… I’ll find out tonight…. =/

We have often heard complaints from fathers who claim that their wives push the babies to them them the minute they got home from work. Being a ‘traditional’ woman in a sense, I used to reproach the wives for disturbing the husbands after their long day of hard work outside. However, now that I’m a mum myself and a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM) at that, I’m starting to feel otherwise.

After a hard day of work outside, men tend to think we women are enjoying ourselves relaxing at home the whole day. They do not understand our hectic schedule, our fight with the clock, washing things, feeding the baby, making him sleep, bathing him…. Women at home on the other hand, feel that the men are having a great time outside, away from the wails and frills of parenting! All they want at the end of the day is for the men to take over while they get their well-deserved break!

In my case, I do get depressed sometimes when I feel too cooped up at home. And when the Man returns, I just want him to take over the feeding so that I can have my break, have a nice hot shower, squeeze a pimple maybe… =/ On the other hand, it’s also a chance for him to bond with the baby. Since I’m with the child the whole day, it’s only wise for the father to spend some time with his son so the son will not choose me over daddy. Right? But I’m not half that bad… Nowadays I’ll do all the night feeds myself, giving the Man more sleep so he’ll be alert for work.. Okay… Maybe I can’t help it since he sleeps like a log and cannot be woken up by the baby’s cries!

So last night was a real challenge for me and I was glad when he finally woke up and took over just as I was on the verge of losing my sanity. It makes me understand why God gave us parents. One compliments the other. Each serving as a support for the other. And what I can’t do, he completes for me.

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