Posted by: tituteo | July 8, 2006

Flowers Are From Heaven

There is something about flowers that makes all ladies love them. Is it the vibrant colors, the fragrant smell, the multi-petaled wonder or simply the look of them standing ever so strongly in the sun?

The sunflowers outside my house have blossomed! Huge, gigantic & delicious-looking like bright yellow honeycombs! =p~

Sunflowers are amazing. They really take their own sweet time to grow. Reaching ever so eagerly for the sun. Their stems grow taller and taller each day. Thicker and thicker too! And when they are ready, the buds will start to grow, bigger and bigger, until one day, it bursts into a large yellow flash of colorful flower! There it’ll stay for weeks. Spreading its cheer to everyone who walks by. Swaying in the wind, as if to say, “Hi there! It’s a bright sun-shining day!”

Okie… I know I’m sprouting gibberish… but then again… who wouldn’t? When they see such lovely gifts from heaven?!

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