Posted by: tituteo | June 22, 2009

Virgin Haircut

We finally brought Seth for his very first haircut by the professionals on Saturday!

The current bout of heat spell has been very hard on his poor little head lately. He has been telling me ‘hot hot’ in the middle of play. And having a lack of confidence in my shaving skills, we decided to bring him to Junior League at Suntec for his very first cut.

It was an unconventional haircut for sure. Instead of sitting on the barber’s chair, he had the privilege of sitting at the play table for his haircut. He was allowed to play with the toys available while the nice lady performed the miracle of chopping of his long locks. The war started when it was time to shave the bottom and the sides. He started wailing and pushing at the hair clipper. I had to hold him in a deadlock while the lady forcefully finished up the work. By then he was screaming and shouting ‘ok ok’, telling us it’s done and we should stop! I had hair all over myself and looked like an evil witch kidnapping a poor kid. The Man could only look on with dropped jaws and a look of pain in his eyes. If only I had a third hand to hold the camera, I would have captured the look on his face. One of utter regret of bringing his son there, and partly a look of fear… in case we could not go on anymore and Seth would have to go home with a half shaven haircut!

Heh. The final product was perfect! Our son looks dashing in his new haircut! All ready to fight the heat!

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